Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Sometimes little things can make my day so much better.  Today I went out for a run (it was too nice outside to not go) and while my pace was pretty good, the run itself was tough.  I really pushed it for my last mile and finished strong.   A complete stranger who I saw a couple times as I ran around the park saw me as I finished and said, "Wow, you're really fast!"  Although I was proud of myself for my fast last mile, the stranger's compliment totally made my day.  I smiled all the way home.

I can think of a few other compliments I've gotten that have made my run even better.  For example, I was feeling a little down about my running shoes.  While I loved them because they were comfortable, they weren't the flashy, bright colored shoes that I had seen in the stores and on pretty much every other runner.  When I was at the start line of the Rock n' Roll a girl came up to me and told me how much she loved the colors of my shoes.  It was a great way to start a race!  Those shoes and I went on to run many more happy miles together (and now I'm happy to say that they started making support shoes with a little bit of neon).

Don't get me wrong, it's a good looking shoe.  I am just a huge fan of bright shoes.

It's funny what a few words can do.  Happy running!

Don't forget Wednesday, July 31 is the last day to use the code radfun to get 20% off your registration fee to any Color me Rad race this year!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

5k on the Calendar

As I've said before, I'm not a fan of doing races in the summer time.  I can't help but feel a little competitive when I get to the starting line of a race and always have a number in my head that I want to achieve.  This doesn't always go as planned when it is scorching hot and I am dripping with sweat.

The newest race on my calendar is the Color me Rad 5k in Baltimore!  Thanks to my affiliation with Fit Approach and the Sweat Pink Ambassadors I get to be an ambassador for the race and I couldn't be more excited! (Color me Rad isn't paying me, but they did offer me a free race entry!)  I had always wanted to do one of the color races, but they always seem to sell out so quickly.   This race is untimed and focuses on having fun, which will be great for my summer running mentality.  Everybody that I know that has participated has loved it so I'm ready to finally get to join in the fun.

Not me, but doesn't she look like she's having fun? Check out more pics on the Color me Rad site!

I THINK I convinced my cousin (who FINALLY lives in the area again!) to run it with me!  It will be the perfect way to spend some time with her now that she will be back in my regular life again.

If you're interested in running Color me Rad check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, or Instagram.  I found their social media sites to be light hearted and fun, so if you need to procrastinate it might be a good place to go.  If you're ready to commit and register, feel free to use the code radfun and you will get 20% off your registration fee for any race if you sign up between Monday, July 29 and Wednesday, July 31!

Happy running!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Changing it Up

Right now I'm in this weird running place.  I don't have any official races to train for, and while I know I should be keeping somewhat in shape so that when I do start a plan I won't die, but I've been enjoying switching up my workouts a little.  I think right now I've been focusing on running because I want to and because I actually like it, not because I feel tied to a plan.

On Sunday I did a walk/run workout on the treadmill from Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers.  I was surprisingly sore after the thirty minute workout so settled on the elliptical for Monday.  I'm not sure if I just wasn't used to it, or if had something to do with the fact that the machine was older and not as smooth of a ride as I would have preferred, but my hips kind of hurt the next day.  I probably should stretch more.

Monday night I was a happy girl because my dad came to visit!  I invited him to visit while the Pirates were in town to play the Nationals and I had a great time with him.  I always laugh a lot when I'm with my dad and it was nice to have him join Maddux and me on some adventures in the park.  We went to two local parks while he was here and walked the pup for a little over an hour both times.  Maddux loved getting to explore the trails and I was a big fan of the slightly cooler temperatures we had.  We were both happy to see the Pirates win Tuesday night!  (Sorry, Nats!  I promise to cheer you on when you're not playing the Bucs.)

Not from this visit.  Not even the same place or with all the same people.  We do love the Pirates though.

Today I'm keeping on with the cross training and heading back to Body Pump!  Happy Thursday!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Family Time

Ok, so you guys weren't a fan of the giveaway.  That's ok, it actually made it a lot easier because I didn't have to blog from my phone!  Maybe next time ;-)

I just got back from spending a week with my family.  I started the trip at my parents' house before heading to my sister's a little further up the road.  My mom was nice enough to help me with some crafting projects (I'm pretty much hopeless on my own) and then they watched Maddux while I ventured to my sister's for a few days.

My sister had a lot planned for the few days we had together.  We started out visiting a couple of local wineries.  I really enjoyed our tastings!  One of the wineries had a gorgeous porch and the other had live music and even hot air balloon rides.  Both places seemed like they would be great to hang out at and enjoy a glass of wine with friends.

The next day we got up early and walked to a local donut shop that's been around since the 1930s and then had a coffee picnic in the park.  We got to watch Barley splash around in the water after we were done with our delicious donuts.  It was the perfect way to start the day!  

We had another early morning on Friday so that we could have an adventure at a castle near my sister's house.  We got a good three mile hike in on the trails around the castle before having a mini photo shoot with her pup.  The hills were definitely a workout!  I wish I lived closer so I could go on more of their adventures with them! 

Now Mad Dog and I are back to our normal summer routine for a few days.  I've been working on organizing my apartment and it is a slow, slow process, but I love the results so far!

I hope every one has a great start to their week!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Get Drenched this Summer + Giveaway!

Disclaimer: Through my affiliation with Fit Approach, LLC and the Sweat Pink Ambassadors I was given an entry to the Drenched 5k as well as entries for two of my readers in exchange for promoting the race.  All opinions are my own.

I've never really participated in unconventional races.  I did a mud and obstacle race last year, but didn't really love it.  I think part of it had to do with the fact that it was ridiculously cold.  If my nice friend's sister hadn't been running with me I think I would have hated it.  Needless to say, I didn't go back this year.

Now that summer is here I want to keep running and stay in shape, but the heat waves kind of turn me off to outside running.  I hadn't really wanted to do a race in the scorching temperatures, but then one caught my eye: The Drenched 5k.  When I found out I could offer a chance to a couple of my readers to run in the race, too, I was hooked.


The Drenched 5k is basically a chance to relive your younger days of running through the sprinklers and having water fights in the backyard.  You run through different zones that have anything from foam to water balloons.  Even spectators can join in the fun and purchase water balloons to throw at runners.  I think I'm most excited about the slip n' slide.  At the end of the race there is a festival with music and a water balloon fight!  The race is designed with fun in mind and you don't have to be super speedy to enjoy the day.

The race locations and dates left for 2013 are:
  • Kansas City, Missouri: July 20
  • Los Angeles, California: July 27
  • Denver, Colorado: August 3
  • Jacksonville, Florida: August 11
  • Atlanta, Georgia: August 17
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: August 17
  • Huntsville, Alabama: August 24
To win an entry to a 2013 race of your choice simply leave me a comment below telling me the most unique race you've ever done.  If you're like me and haven't really done any crazy races, then just tell me about one you really love.  If you've never done a race, tell me about one that you would like to do!  You have until Thursday, July 18 to enter.  I will randomly pick TWO winners Friday morning.   GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Body Pump Class!

A couple of months ago I purchased a Groupon for a gym membership.  It doesn't really make sense for me to buy a year long membership since my complex has its own fitness center, but I really love going to classes.  I have a couple of free months with no real plans and no races coming up, so I figured it was ideal timing.

Today I went to my first ever Body Pump class.  Although my whole entire body pretty much feels like jello, I LOVED it and can't wait to go back once I can move again.

I had heard such good things about the class and everyone kept saying what a great workout it is and how much everybody who has ever taken it loves it.  I was a little intimidated when I first walked in because the other people had so much stuff set up.  After introducing myself to the instructor and telling her I had no idea what was going on I felt much better.  She was so sweet and was really helpful explaining what all I would need and how the class was going to work.

As we got started I knew my no strength training self was going to be in trouble.  I already started to feel the burn during the warm up.  The hour went by surprisingly fast and I really liked how it worked out the entire body.  The different exercises kept my interest and while it was fast paced, I never felt rushed.  The instructor did a great job explaining and demonstrating each exercise and showing how to modify them if needed.  I'm excited to go back!

The rest of the day was spent reading by the pool (we FINALLY got some sunshine), eating delicious cookies, and hanging with my best pal.  You know, really productive day.

Maddux and Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies....two of my favorite things :)

Happy (almost) Friday!

Friday, July 5, 2013

End of the Summer Running Streak

The past week or so I've unplugged a little and escaped to sunny San Diego.  My nice friend and I had planned a get away and I had been looking forward to it for weeks.  My parents are the best ever and I was able to convince them to watch Maddux for the week and take us to the airport.  Our timing was perfect and we ended up being at my parents' house at the same as my sister, aunt, and grandpa.  It was so nice getting to hang out with the family and it was the perfect way to start the summer.

After a very early start to our day, my nice friend and I arrived in San Diego early Tuesday afternoon.  I had such a fun time over the week going to a baseball game, a couple of breweries, the famous zoo, Sea World, beaches, and a fun event at the House of Blues where we got to drink local beer (San Diego is the craft beer capital of the US) and listen to local bands.  Some highlights of the trip:

I was a little nervous about getting my runs in since I knew we were going to be so busy.  Once we got there and I saw where I got to run I realized it wasn't going to be so bad after all.  The weather was amazing and the scenery was gorgeous.  Think high 60s and by the water.

They call this "June Gloom."  I will still take it. 

One of the days my nice friend suggested we switch it up and go to Mission Bay Park.  I had a great run and loved the trail.  The week went by way too fast!  I was definitely spoiled by the perfect running conditions and had a great running partner for most of the days.  I ended up running my fastest miles of the summer.  I'm going to look for a fall 5k so that I can hopefully keep up the momentum!

Now that the Runner's World Summer Running Streak is over I'm going to try to mix up my workouts a little.  I was definitely proud of myself for finishing the streak even when I was traveling, but I gotta say it was nice giving the legs a little break today.  I have some spin classes coming up and I couldn't be more excited to give it another go!  

Happy weekend!