Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Sometimes little things can make my day so much better.  Today I went out for a run (it was too nice outside to not go) and while my pace was pretty good, the run itself was tough.  I really pushed it for my last mile and finished strong.   A complete stranger who I saw a couple times as I ran around the park saw me as I finished and said, "Wow, you're really fast!"  Although I was proud of myself for my fast last mile, the stranger's compliment totally made my day.  I smiled all the way home.

I can think of a few other compliments I've gotten that have made my run even better.  For example, I was feeling a little down about my running shoes.  While I loved them because they were comfortable, they weren't the flashy, bright colored shoes that I had seen in the stores and on pretty much every other runner.  When I was at the start line of the Rock n' Roll a girl came up to me and told me how much she loved the colors of my shoes.  It was a great way to start a race!  Those shoes and I went on to run many more happy miles together (and now I'm happy to say that they started making support shoes with a little bit of neon).

Don't get me wrong, it's a good looking shoe.  I am just a huge fan of bright shoes.

It's funny what a few words can do.  Happy running!

Don't forget Wednesday, July 31 is the last day to use the code radfun to get 20% off your registration fee to any Color me Rad race this year!